Earn2Life.com ATM

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The Earn2Life.com ATM
The Earn2Life.com ATM

The Earn2Life.com ATM is a device in Second Life® allowing Earn2Life.com members to withdraw money accrued from completion of Pay4Visit and Pay4Picks offers, or from apprentice commissions. Members may withdraw their earnings from any Earn2Life.com ATM.

The Earn2Life.com ATM also enables the owner of the ATM to gain apprentices if members click on it and subsequently sign up with Earn2Life.com.

Withdrawing Money From an Earn2Life.com ATM

  1. Transfer your money from the Earn2Life.com website. If your current membership level has a payment delay, you will need to wait until the Withdrawals History for the desired transaction shows as "Transferred to ATM" before continuing.
  2. Locate an Earn2Life.com ATM in-world. One such ATM may be found in Earn2Life.com's Headquarters.
  3. Click anywhere on the ATM and it will connect to the Earn2Life.com servers and check to see if you have any money ready for withdrawal. If you do, you will receive your payment a few moments after receiving notification that Linden™ dollars are waiting for you.